So, What Exactly Is A SMART Goal?

Whenever you study the science of goal setting you will hear about the acronym SMART.  It is so common to see this acronym in the business world and yet most of us don’t  understand what the letters represent.

Specific- this simply means that the more clear your expectations that define the goal, the better chance of reaching the goal.  An example of a specific goal would be increasing VW Jetta sales by 20% in the next six months.  A nonspecific goal that I often see is to improve customer service next year.  While it gives a time frame, it does not tell you by how much or what department needs measuring.

Measurable- How will you know if you reached your target?  If you have a way for the employee to keep track of data that pertains to the goal, the goal will have more meaning.  Some goals may not always be quantifiable and therefore are more subject to a feeling of attainment, i.e., retutrn on investment for training, etc.

Attainable- This simply means  that the goal is within reach .  It does not mean the goal is “easy” but rather “doable” with extra  effort and resources.

Relevant- If this goal is reached, will it fit into a larger mission or framework?  Is it relevant to the company’s overarching goals?  You may see the word reasonable to represent the R in SMART.   Reasonable in this sense means attainable or reachable.

Time-based or on a timeline.  Putting a deadline to a goal is extremely important in creating the sense of urgency needed to reach the goal.  Many of us need deadlines to get us moving and taking action.

According to Project SMART, a UK project management company, the SMART acronym can take on many descriptors:

S – specific, significant, stretching

M – measurable, meaningful, motivational

A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

R – realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

Whichever words you choose is not as important as taking the time to make the goal specific so that the person executing the goal is focused and accountable.


Question for You:

Are many of your goals and those you set for others vague and unfulfilled? Are they subject to your feelings about how they turn out?

Action for You:

By setting goals with the person who must execute them and making them as SMART as possible, you will be closer to getting the results that will make you look smart!


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