How to Bounce Back from Life’s Setbacks

Have you experienced a setback in your professional or personal life?   Whether it be the death of a loved one, a divorce, job firing or demotion, life has a way of humbling us.  So, how do some people seem to bounce back so quickly while others never fully recover?  I believe the answer lies in their resiliency to life’s challenges and how prepared they are for them to occur. 

Read below for five tips that will help you gain resiliency and be better prepared for those tough punches that life can throw your way.

Great reading!


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So, you have been fired or laid off or you didn’t get the promotion you had hoped for, or you have been demoted. All of these workplace challenges can cause great anxiety in those that experience them. Your ability to bounce back from this adversity will greatly determine your future personal and professional success. So, how do you find the strength to move forward when life has delivered such a powerful blow? I believe the following five elements will help you build up your resiliency to life’s greatest challenges at home and work: • Feel the emotions fully- I use to think that people who are dealt setbacks should just “buck up” and focus on all the good things in their life instead of focusing on the negative aspects of their life. The brain and body do not work this efficiently. After a setback, you should feel your emotional responses fully and not try to stuff them down deep inside you only to resurface in another way. The stages of grief need to be felt fully from shock, sadness, anger and recovery. Oh, by the way, tears have chemicals that actually heal your emotions so they need to be experienced and not suppressed. • Spiritual guidance-By leaning into your great power whether that be God or nature, or what you believe to have greater power, now is the time to sit quietly, ask for direction and listen for any insights you gain. • Get moving- you do not have to sign up for an aerobics class or anything strenuous but exercise will help lift the depression by producing endorphins which offer healing powers. Just get active…by taking walks, gardening, bicycling or joining a fitness center. • Reach out to others-talk over your issue with friends and family to help you sort out what happened. Let them listen to your painful story and offer insights in how to move forward. Having a social network of caring friends and family is a great asset in a tough period of your life. • Have a vision or goal- creating a goal or vision that is exciting for you will give you the strength to move in a positive direction and stop the persistence negative thoughts. I believe that exercise and quiet reflection will help you gain clarity in creating a new direction or goal and keep you looking towards a better future. Question for You: There are rarely any constants in life but change, and many times these changes are painful to experience. Have you experienced great challenges in your personal and professional life? Call to Action: Begin by reaching out to those friends and family members that are great listeners and tell your story. Find a way to seek out and listen to your higher power, and get moving, as action creates the chemicals in your body and mind to combat depression and help you move towards new goals.

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